Curriculum Vitae

Currently on a Bit of a Detour…

Right now, I’m taking a little break from the hustle and bustle of the tech world to serve my mandatory military obligations. Think of it as swapping my keyboard for a camo backpack and my daily stand-ups for… well, actual standing up.


Work Experience

Stacks and Technologies

  • Code development in Java
  • Data Analysis in Python with Scikit-Learn, Pandas & Numpy
  • Deep Learning in Python as well with Tensorflow & Keras
  • Data Mining in R
  • Software Testing in Groovy with Geb, Spock & Selenium frameworks
  • CI/CD with Docker, Jenkins & Github Actions
  • SQL and NOSQL with PostgreSQL and Cassandra
  • Math focused code development in MATLAB


  • Scrum enthusiast - Kanban supporter !